Monday, November 3, 2008

Ghost Festival

There is a traditional holiday called Ghost Festival in Taiwan. It is really different from Halloween. Almost whole Auguest is Ghost Festival. There are many ghosts that are released from hell. The ghosts will come to eat even they will find someone instead. My grandparents always ask me to leave away streams or ocean because old people believe the water ghosts are bad. It is a serious festival, we are not celebrating it happily. Recently, more and more people don't care about the legends. We still go to swim and travel in Auguest. The Ghost Festival always let me scare and get a lot of stress when I was child. So I really hate this festival when I was young. I didn't go out because many activities which about Ghost Festival on the road. It was easy to make me think about ghosts. I had a lot of nighmare during this month. However Halloween seems a happy holiday though it is respect death. Adouts and children can have fun in this day. So, I like Halloween more. But, there is one thing between these two holiday. Children also can get candy in the Ghost Festival. People want to give candy to the ghosts by this way. It is also a religious day when monk will help some of the ghost to be human again not to stay at hell foreve. Those are differents among Halloween and Ghost Festival.

1 comment:

Anna said...

That sounds very stressing. I don't think I would enjoy your Ghost festival. Halloween can be scary if people take it too seriously, but many don't.